Celebrating 60 Years: Native Trees & Shrubs


Wednesday May 6th, 2015

In this backyard border, native trees and shrubs were utilized to attract wildlife, especially our feathered friends. Thea attraction is further enhanced with the feeding station. Serviceberry, amelanchier canadensis is in flower with lacey blossoms that will result in an edible blueberry-like fruit. Butterfly bush and perennials like iris and daisies add further attraction and color.

We are blessed with this song of spring.

IMG 5898

And we are helping to improve the environment still, since 1955!


Thank you so much for the beautiful backyard. I have been enjoying it so much! My "magical" lights still delight me and no further news from neighbors. The whole effect in the yard far exceeded my expectations. You and Mike did an outstanding job!

Thanks Again
Rose Weber

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