The ExpERIEnce Children's Museum is developing an outdoor discovery space.
This design project is being lead by Penn State graduate in landscape architecture, Lacie Luddy. Lacie has been working with the staff there to provide a range of outdoor experiences in the garden, as you can see by the list of Site Features and Priorities.
Any design project beings with defining the goals, followed by an analysis of the site, development of a program of uses for the area, development and testing of options against goals, and then selection of a final plan. The design process does not stop there. We then move on to implementation, which is one of the most important steps. Lastly, we evaluate how well we've met the objectives.
We are excited for this project as we are working through the phases towards implementation.
Here are some tree cookies that will be part of the garden. These are characters from author Marc Brown.
We hope that you can get excited about a project like this and support the ExpERIEnce Children's Museum as we Celebrate 60 years of continuing to improve Erie's Environment.