Celebrating 60 Years: Front Plantings, Commodore Drive, 1995


Wednesday Mar 18th, 2015

When designing the front landscape for a house the landscape should have sufficient strength to for visual appeal as someone is driving by. This photo is almost straight on, but a driver rarely sees it this way. Even at the speed limit of 25mph in this neighborhood, there would only be a few seconds with which to view the house. It's important that the concept and the beauty be acknowledged in those few seconds.

Most homes have limited materials and colors on the front of the house, and a similar approach to the landscape can work well with this. Too much variety can lead to a cluttered disorganized look. There are exceptions, such as mosaic designs, but the repetition needs to be strong enough to show.

For a well designed landscape, contact the landscape architects and designers at Dahlkemper Landscape Architects & Contractors!

commodore dr




Krista and I would like to pass on to your crew that we really do enjoy our front yard. We have found people stopping by to look at it as if it were a piece of art, of course we know it is. It has made a big difference in our enjoyment of our home. We will highly recommend you to all of our friends.

Jim Strafford

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